4 Books that will Improve your Relationship with your Emotions

Trevor Amicone
4 min readApr 4, 2020


Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Emotions are not your enemy. Your emotions are information that can make you stronger, better at your job, and better at handling adversity.

These books will help you use your emotions rather than run from them.

Emotional Agility

This book is a life changer. Susan David presents the underlying idea of this article — that emotions are not negative things to try to manage but rather information we need adeptly utilize.

She writes, “Emotional agility is about loosening up, calming down, and living with more intention.” Her approach is not about suppressing or trying to control your emotions. It is a kind of jiu-jitsu-style approach that empowers you with flexibility and strength.

David’s real approach to emotions is refreshing and thought-provoking. She doesn’t beat you over the head with positive thinking BS. She teaches you how to use your thoughts and behaviors to make your emotions a positive force in your life rather than a negative obstacle holding you back.

It is not about becoming a monk or a superhuman. It is about living in the real world while getting better at using your emotions to move powerfully through life.


Emotional Intelligence

This is a classic that many of you might have read already. If you have already read it, it is worth a re-read. It’s that important. If you haven’t read it, it is a must-read.

Daniel Goleman, the father of emotional intelligence, outlines the evolution of emotions and why we react irrationally to non-threatening situations.

He also writes about the practical application of emotional intelligence. Through self-awareness, emotional intelligent people can begin managing themselves.

Goleman’s landmark book helps you adapt to the information your emotions present you, use those emotions to achieve your goals, and control yourself so that you can achieve stillness and security.

Goleman also helps you learn to lead and inspire others. Emotional intelligence helps you learn empathy, organizational awareness, influence, and service.

It is timeless and you can order it here:


Primal Leadership

Goleman is a coathur in this brilliant and eye-opening leadership book. It is the practical application of the leadership side of emotional intelligence.

This research-based diamond in the rough shows us the impact our emotions have on those around us and those we lead.

For example, did you know that stress you’re experience but showing no outward signs of will negatively influence the blood pressure and stress level of those physically near you? Now you do. This book will explain how.

It will also explain how to use your emotions to manage yourself in a more useful and inspiring way. This book is invaluable for any leader.


Permission to Feel

Marc Brackett’s writing is entertaining and research-based — something rare in nonfiction books.

He uses personal and powerful stories to show how emotions are “the most powerful forces in the workplace.”

This book can be added to the list of books about emotions that are slowly dispelling myths we have put up with for too long. These myths have hurt human beings and work productivity for a long time. But Brackett gives you permission to feel every bit of your emotions as reasonable parts of the human experience.

Feeling these emotions with fear but the courage to overcome it will drive your life and your work forward.


Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

We live in a world and a time that requires a better relationship with our emotions. These books are good places to start for anyone trying to not only survive these times, but thrive in them.



Trevor Amicone

Professional baseball coach, New York Yankees organization